The Gems of Excellence Brain/Mind Course in Successful Living has been designed for you to experience the language of GEOTRAN™, a digital, numeric, geometric language which speaks directly to the information fields or memory fields that hold the record, past and present, of who you are and what your potential is.
These fields can be compared to computer memory. The information in the computer memory is called up and used by the computer operator to create whatever it is s/he wishes to create. If the software program in the computer is accurate, the computer operator will have success in his/her creation.
If the original program from the manufacturer has a "glitch", the operator will find it difficult to use the program for its original purpose and in many cases, the operator cannot use the program at all. It must be sent back to the manufacturer to "debug" the glitch.
The operator can change the information s/he enters into the computer daily. But the more glitches in the manufacturer's program you encounter per day, the more your life retreats into the safety of mediocrity, fearing to risk a new direction, knowing from past experience another wall will be there.
This may seem like an extreme statement, but I can assure you that a phobic who cannot leave his or her home or a person who is ill and cannot get well would recognize the cycle.
Your brain knows your limitations and will set them for you with accuracy. We can show that the person who has financial problems is experiencing this cycle, for the brain knows exactly how much income you will make per year and also whether you will be in a successful loving relationship. The brain merely "listens" to the fields and duplicates the in-form-ation in your life.
The language of GEOTRAN is the language that will allow you to correct the "glitches" in your own life program. It is the language in which your blueprint is written.
You now have a tool available that will allow you to change the violations of choice that are programmed into the morphogenetic field. You can send the brain correct information for winning, happiness, prosperity, health, and everything you have ever dreamed you could be.
The old saying, "If you can think it, you can achieve it" becomes the rule when you begin integrations using GEOTRAN.
There are four integrations in the Gems of Excellence Program: 1) Miracle, 2) Four in One, 3) Peace, and 4) Living.
The MIRACLE Integration deals with the way you learn, see yourself and the world, and the way you hear and comprehend. It deals with dyslexia, all midline movements, and much more.
The FOUR IN ONE Integration addresses the way you communicate, especially with your inner self.
The PEACE Integration is for restoration of lost ideals and violation of universal laws.
The LIVING Integration restores your ability to receive and be blessed.
In addition to these four integrations, you will learn the MIND GEMS. These quick, simple techniques recircuit the electrical system of the body. Many books have been written showing that your body operates through vibration and electrical impulses. You must be "switched on" and balanced to be at your best. The Mind Gems are one of the tools for you to use to maintain that balance.
You will learn POSITIVE POINTS which will allow you to de-stress quickly and easily in your daily life. These simple-to-use stress release techniques, by themselves, have changed lives for the better and in some cases, have saved lives in cases of accident.
The Positive Points remove past and present cellular memory of trauma, accident, and loss, and prevent future trauma and accidents. The body is like a magnet and when these experiences are in cellular memory, the body attracts the same experiences. Hence, like attracts like. Many people do not understand this principle and are confused when they have one accident after another. The Positive Points quickly erase these cellular traumas.
The Gems of Excellence Program includes many other wonderful stress reduction techniques as well as corrections to your memory fields that will allow you to be all you choose to be.
One of the methods of measuring stress in the body is a biofeedback technique called the stress indicator test or muscle test. Research has shown that the brain registers its stress to the muscles of the body. The muscles then give biofeedback for measuring the stress in the body. The Gems of Excellence Program teaches this technique, emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility for self and for making corrections in the order of priority.
In the 1950's Dr. George Goodhart from Chicago studied kinesiology in France and returned to the United States to share information with other doctors on how to isolate and test each muscle for stress reactions. One of these many doctors, Dr. John Thie, devised simple methods for the lay-person to test themselves and others for weaknesses in the muscles and developed the "Touch for Health" program. Another doctor, Dr. John Diamond, explains the uses and benefits of this type of stress measurement in his books, Behavioral Kinesiology and The Body Doesn't Lie. Dr. Paul Dennison also uses this testing technique in his program for brain re-education through movement. Many other doctors, health care professionals, and those wishing to excel in athletics continue to use this biofeedback method successfully.
The Gems of Excellence Program is taught in two courses. The first course is a fun-filled, experiential course where you are integrated in a group. During this course, you are integrated to remove the stress of learning and of other challenges you experience in your life such as those related to finances, relationships, and communicating. You will be taught a simple homework assignment, a Tap/Touch system, to integrate your own issues. This technique will allow you to integrate your life situations in a minute or less. The second course is designed for you to return to the classroom free of learning stresses and actually learn how to integrate others. Many people have been helped by the students of GEOTRAN as they shared their abilities to integrate with others. The Introductory course for the Gems of Excellence program is designed for those who want to learn the Mind Gems, Clearings, and Positive Points, and experience the power of these techniques before taking the first course of the Gems of Excellence.
It is a privilege to share with you the language of GEOTRAN and realize what a great gift we have been given. It has been said, "Let those with eyes to see, see. Let those with ears to hear, hear." One of my favorite lines from the movie, "Field of Dreams," was when Doc said, "You know, we don't recognize the most significant moments in our life while they are happening." He goes on to say, "I thought, well, there will be other days. I didn't realize that was the only day."
Often we are so busy living our lives that we do not stop to see if the life we are living is by our own design, or just what became of us. Choice, the most misunderstood of words, means for you to consciously choose something. Is the life you are living now, in all aspects, what you choose for yourself? If not, the Gems of Excellence Program is for you.